Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Homeward bound. According to some statistic. stated at some time, by someone unknown to me, the most popular destination in the whole world is 'home.' No longer able to sit by the arena in Verona and write in one's journal for we were two stops from home. Two people on a mission. Fruit platters eaten. Castles farewelled, long plane rides and journeys into unknown territory all but at an end. Goodbye to Milan's fashion district and fountains by the score. One last coffee prior to check-in and seeking the comfort of the lounge. Two hours passed and then we were seated in our plane seats. Sipping bubbles, boarding preparations underway; seatbelts buckled and warm, white flannels steaming on travel weary hands and faces; we smiled. The first leg, 11.5 hours away from a landing in Singapore.

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