Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ca Camone La Tavola Marche Friday Night

It was with some regret that we had to take our leave of the serenity of the villa, its wonderful hosts and the new friends that we made during our stay. The Friday 'PM cooking class' was underway when I boldly made my way down to the villa's kitchen to steal some images of their preparations. There is possibly nothing more disconcerting than to have an outsider come to your place of learning (the villa's kitchen) and photograph you whilst you endeavour to chop, dice, or cook a meal. But indeed I did and I hope that my new American friends took it all with the good humour intended. For little did the group know, that I was indeed, preparing a small collection of images for them to take home. I know that when Jason asked me to 'mush' some dough earlier in the week that I was overwhelmed. People who know me don't ask me to create anything from real pastry. I am the freezer pastry junky from way back. The whole villa would see my disaster if I messed up. Oh, the pressure. I believe Jason's term to mush the pastry means 'to push it to the edges and up the sides of the baking tray.' Therefore, I could sympathise with the cooks that afternoon. Consider too the fact that their co travellers had successfully prepared a sumptious banquet on Tuesday. The professional mode of dress; AKA the apron suggested that a group of talented cooks had joined chef Jason for an afternoon of culinary delights. None were to be disappointed for their efforts were superb, right down to the last bite. I learnt much about Italian hospitality during my stay at La Tavola Marche and villa Ca Camone.

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