Friday, October 14, 2011

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Arena

A funny thing happened on the way to the arena. As we approached the arena the sound of revving engines filled the air. It sounded like every 16 year old who ever lived was sitting in a car park with his friends revving his engine. Upon closer inspection it became apparent that a car rally of sorts was leaving from the Piazza Bra. In the background the arena that had seen every sight since its construction was witnessing modern man's need for speed. Tiny cars with the biggest exhausts and probably phew grande engines were shadowing one another in a short circuit to enter the rally's starting podium. Each car entered the podium's archway, for happy or glam snaps and then resumed its place in the line up. The significant feature of this event was the diminutive size of the competitor's vehicles. A paradox to the amount of noise individual cars were able to produce. The next time someone rips off my small car I shall whip out the images that I snapped through the camera's lens and explain that biggest is not always best! Go my Getz!!!

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