Sunday, October 16, 2011

Making Money In Italy

During our travels we have happened upon some very novel ideas for creating wealth. In Verona and again in Milan there was the very overt style -'begging in the street.' Personally, I found this, somewhat disquitening. Another that we saw was more creative, where one dressed in period costume and then offered to stand with tourists. For a fee happy snaps were taken with the afore mentioned person. The gladiators liked to enhance the photograph with some basic acting thrown in for good measure. Gladiators were popular with many tourists but I think that the approaching cold weather will deliver a blow to their financial adventures. Street buskers were uncommon but the man playing sax in a plaza in Milan had a most amazing talent. Acoustics under the arches created a most pleasant atmosphere as we strolled down to the main shopping area. In Verona there was agentleman who sat in pink satin in a pram whilst delivering his performance to all who stopped to listen. He often drew huge crowds. Crowds that frequently reeled with laughter at his antics. I was not sure how the Statue of Liberty connected with Verona but the man had been standing in the same place every day for the week that I spent in Verona. I made a small contribution to his finances. You have to love street theatre.

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