Thursday, December 30, 2010

NYE 2010

My mother had a saying, 'whatever you are doing at midnight you'll be doing all year long.' Not absolutely sure of the significance of the wisdom of those words but it is fair to say that she was indeed a wise person. I must exercise caution; if she meant that if you are happy at midnight then you'll be happy all year long then I'll remember to be smiling when the clock strikes twelve. The converse is if you are grumpy at midnight then that's the way you'll spend your next 12 months. As we are to share NYE with a group of twelve then I am a little anxious about the nautical attire that guests have been asked to consider. Personally I have decided to drag an old Book Week outfit from its wraps at the back of the wardrobe. My seaweed monster costume has been hidden in the wardrobe's gloom since 2003 and as you can guess it is not the prettiest number hanging on a coat hanger. It was hastily constructed from a piece of army green, fabric remnant that has a fringed gold, safety pinned, vinyl collar with shells sewn on the back and front. The whole original designer ensemble comes with a shell belt for good measure. I am truly sad to say that when I dined out for lunch yesterday that I asked the wait staff could I please have three of the scallop shells from our lunch. I explained that I wanted to make earrings for a NYE celebration but I perceived a glimpse of doubt at my request. She gathered herself quickly and enquired if I'd like a plastic container to take them home. Each shell has been soaked, washed and drilled for the purpose. The end result is that I am now the proud owner of the most ghastly earrings and pendant for tonight's dinner party. Michael has busily decorated a purpose bought straw hat for tonight and it looks how shall I say, 'fishy?' He plans to take the nautical tack of a fisherman. Kirstie has plans afoot to be a sailor with Stephen coming as himself. A pleasant evening can be expected!

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