Tuesday, December 21, 2010

White Ceramics

It is fascinating to watch the transformation of a wall once so pock marked with plaster a few hours earlier to now reveal a shiny, crisp, white surface gleaming in the sunlight. All this in a day! As renovations go the journey has been long and windy but the end of the road is in sight. The 'Navman' as I shall call him today for he has travelled all over and successfully sourced the metal trim for the joins and ordered more floor tiles to cover the shortfall. Today he is my hero. Hero status is short lived in blogger's world and so it is in this instance. My apologies to yesterday's hero. Stephen has made every effort to see this renovation completed and back in use. Every empty, tile box that is binned brings the completion of the en suite just a little bit closer. I actually enjoy collecting the empties so to speak. The trim black glass tile introduces a touch of elegance to the room. I shall endeavour to wait patiently for the arrival of the promised box of additional floor tiles but realise the need to wait for the New Year for the entire job to be completed since the tiler has other jobs also promised this week and the tile shortfall was beyond his control.

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