Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day Take 1 - The Tamworth Connection

Christmas Day marked the commencement of the celebrations where we came together with family from Tamworth. The traditional breakfast held over until gifts were distributed. It seemed that one of the family members had partied hard the night before and was a wee bit weary so such people were a little less energetic about the process than in previous years. None-the-less, a calm and interesting occasion. This year the creative gift thought goes to the Secret Santa who managed to source a 1932, vintage typewriter along with a text of how to write a book. Later the offerings of croissants, meats, cheese, fruit, juice and coffee completed the Christmas morning, family tradition where we sat to chat and comment further on personal challenges with the secret Santa gifting. However, in this day of technology one can contemplate the web as a fountain of information for discovering where one may purchase a ribbon for such an ancient typewriter. A quick online search revealed that indeed there was a location in England that claimed to be able to provide ribbons for every machine; so inquiry emailed to England. For those of you who are perplexed as to why one might prefer to type on an old typewriter that is seated on the desk, its new home, right beside a relatively new laptop. Keep thinking. Yes, it does have a key that sticks but I think that this adds to its character and charm. Should have a response from England after the holiday period. Wish that I had been more creative than the Italian dictionary for our trip to Italy next September. Next, a short walk to visit neighbours and to wish them a happy Christmas saw us return with a bounty of fresh produce from their garden. Thanks to John, our local neighbourhood 'green thumb.' Soon, time to prepare the lunch where Stephen had planned a menu of roasted, racks of pork accompanied by baked vegetables followed by pavlova for dessert. The weather was much warmer than expected and the pool was definitely an optional extra being considered. One should spare a thought for all of the people in Australia currently experiencing major flooding and who have had to withhold their celebrations. Cyclone Tash crossed the coast near Cairns earlier today so we may get a change of weather in a few days time as the rain heads down the eastern coast of Australia. Australia has had streets and entire towns where one could swim in their own loungeroom if indeed they still had one. More rain is expected. So it is a good day when one can sit with family and take time just to be together. P.S. I am excited re the prospect of reading Stephen's first chapter. Just hope that the typewriter can be ribboned before too long.

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