Friday, January 14, 2011

Early Start

Today's agenda includes painting the dining room and applying the top coat in the master bedroom. I had attempted to do this yesterday but the paint tint was incorrect so the can has to be returned this morning for re tinting or whatever they do. The tiler is due to finish the en suite on Monday so I would like to have everything else complete so that the bathroom can once again, be operational. It is a sad day when one plans to celebrate the first flush so to speak. What is the protocol for official use or openings for newly renovated bathrooms/en suites? Champagne seems a little tasteless if you'll excuse the term? A good red, candles and a long soak in the bath? Any suggestions would be welcome. On the other hand, the dining room was a spur of the moment decision. Since I am spending almost each waking moment on the walking monster I have a lot of time to think of things to do. My list grows as I walk. Clear the garage of the assorted junk, stack the boxed wine into the racks, weed the garden, prune the roses, mow the bottom yard, shop for new espresso cups for Stephen, sweep the drive, prune the hedges and if I stop walking long enough I may even have enough time to do some of these chores. As I write I am waiting for the sun to rise so that I can get started on something from the list. Probably not as exciting as a 'bucket list' but one must do what one must do.

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