Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Saint Aignan

We arrived in Saint Aignan on Saturday as the Samedi marches were in the process of being packed away. The square hosted fresh produce markets each week. Our apartment was Number 6, the one with the little blue shutters. Our car was parked a short distance so that we could explore the town and to secure a bite of lunch. Our first Tabac where we managed to order with our minimal French. Simple cafe but wide selection. Next we walked the streets of Saint Aignan. So many ancient dwellings and shops dating back centuries. Modern structures looked out of place. In the main street we encountered a procession of robed members of either a wine or food society. Perhaps sommeliers. Velvet and satin robes of every colour, flags, mortar boards and soft caps. Like a graduation parade at a university. About the necks of each member in the procession hung a silver taste vin for tasting wine. Seemingly a hundred or more people entered the town hall where doors once closed you would not have known that they were there. The catering vans and dance truck suggested that it was to be an affair to remember and an occasion of up-market celebration. Whilst in Saint Aignan we have been to the Amboise markets, nearby villages and the mushroom caves at Roches. Eating out for lunch every day with Chef Michael cooking every night for us. The Amboise markets were amazing as one could buy a grandfather clock or a simple bread stick. Underground tunnels and caves of mushrooms surprised us all when we visited the underground town that is being carved into the limestone.

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