Sunday, October 10, 2010


Back in Blois to retrieve Stephen's passport from Kate's European holiday. The hotel, Anne de Bretagne, near the station is comfy and has all that we need for the moment. This hotel has WiFi, something that we have become accustomed to during our travels.Dinner at The Coba again tonight as we so enjoyed last night's menu. Wonder if Stephen will have Cognac again tonight? My dinner was superb. Paris was hectic today. It seemed that every family in Paris and then some were out in the sunshine with their family, friends or lovers. Kate and Chris looked weary but they seem to have enjoyed their holiday and Kirstie and Michael have left us for some time on their own. The change of plans due to the strike impacting all over France. Quick shower, fresh clothes and then we are off to discover new taste sensations at the new local ; now favourite restaurant. Salade orientale and citron vert, sorbet accompanied by banana, flambee sorbet. Tre bon! The restaurant dinner was possible as we have discovered that it was no problem to take the earlier train from Paris to Blois. Congratulations French railways for being so flexible. Australia could learn from this. Thank you to the man who pretended to speak no Anglais when I sought a refund for tickets purchased for travel on the day of the National Manifestation (AKA - strike.) Good man; by the way, I did not see him wink at Stephen. He was obviously enjoying listening to my feeble attempts at French. Manifestation sounds less offensive in French. A rose by any other name ... There is a chateau in Blois which we did not go to see with all of the disruption to our travel plans. It (the chateau) was snapped quickly as we drove by on our way out of town.

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