Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lacoste - Market Day

As it was a day of the National Strike in France we had wanted to stay off major roads. Lacoste was our destination so that we could wander through the markets that were there each Tuesday. If you have ever been to a market day major roads and as Lacoste was only minutes away we decided to start our day there and in France you might expect to find parking some distance from the marketplace and walk to the stalls. As we thought we were experienced with the markets at Ambois we played it safe and parked at the first parking lot that was empty. Armed with backpack and coats we made our way ever upwards to the village square. Initially we thought that we had either the wrong day or the wrong location as the Lacoste markets consisted of a man selling fromage, a clock restorer and a fresh produce van. So where was the market? Since arriving in France we have noted that many places advertise their hours of operation and more often than not they will be closed at any time of the day regardless of what has been posted. Couldn't help but wonder if this was the case with the Lacoste markets. There are three cafes though they didn't appear to be open despite being set up for service. In the area behind the village church we saw a most unusual sculpture that was made from wire mesh. It had been covered in thousands of snail shells. The sculpture was designed so as to catch the wind and turn as might a windvane. Given its fragile nature it was surprising to find it outside and at the mercy of the elements. Marquis de Sade's castle was in Lacoste but sadly, it lays in ruins. Lacoste over and done; where next? Perhaps Rousillon.

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