Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chateaux Everywhere-Which one will I see?

Biggest decision of the day and we chose well with the Chateaux Chenonceau with its remarkable gardens, maze, wax musee and of course the castle itself. This was a fine choice as the castle still retained some furnishings and tapestries from original residents. I recommend the full tour with the Ipod option as the video and spoken text greatly assist one in fully understanding each room and its features. My favourite was the kitchen area with its many utensils and ancient installations. Another highlight of the journey thus far. The 3 and 1/2 hours was sufficient to take in most of the sites. The only disappointment was that the garden restaurant was fully booked so if I knew in advance I would have made reservations.
Dinner last night was again a taste sensation with Michael cooking poulet stuffed with veal farce. I prepared the garden salad and Kirstie in collaboration with Michael the dessert of panetone purchased at the market at Amboise; fresh raspberries and the best vanilla ice cream ever made. But I ramble for I must away to the vin caves for a tour. We have reserved a table for one of the fine restaurants in Saint Aignan for this evening so today should be interesting. Another favourite food that several of us enjoyed much to our surprise was chicken gizzards. At home we would never have been tempted to taste them but taste them we did and they were so tender and full of subtle flavour.

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