Monday, June 14, 2010

Long Weekend Just Relaxing

Yesterday was a day of culture and relaxation. We set off at 10:00 to visit the local Art Scrawl exhibition at Capercaille. The vineyard exhibition is held each year and is showcased at different venues throughout the valley. The standard and skills of the local artists is highly commendable. The theme for this year's exhibition was 'Recycling' and the variety of items was impressive. Sculptures, ceramics, canvas, oils, charcoal, fabrics, clothing, jewellery and paintings. Too may to list here. Since we were having a day devoted to culture we then headed off to Maitland's gallery. To our surprise it was not open. However, across the road at the Town Hall there was another exhibition. This was the council's annual recycling competition and entries were on display to the public. Many entries came from students from across the Maitland area and it was pleasing to see the youth responding to the theme in a wide variety of ways. Lunchtime was upon us so we headed home to enjoy the sunshine and chill under the pergola. As we sat it occurred to me that we had some unusual works of art in our own backyard so I decided to blog them. There are garden creations that the children bought for me for Christmas or as a birthday gift. Things that hang and things that sit, stand, lean or lay about. There are a number of old concrete statues a little past their prime but you know how it is how can you dump something so, so, ..... One little concrete figurine was so cracked that Stephen, my hero, glued it back together for me. Unfortunately, since that bonding experience she finds it difficult to stand on her own two feet and she tends to lean on the wall down by the pool. Another statue stands bravely outside by the circular drive. She is unprotected from all the elements and she too has a dangerous lean on her pedestal; somewhat like the tower at Pisa. I do love my 'Garden Angel' wall plaque; a gift from my friend. I believe that the plaque accurately depicts me in my garden apparel. On one of the walls under the pergola we've hung two metal sculptures while the garden beside the clothesline boasts a hatted stork with metal framed glasses. I think that it is stork. He still has the once white ribbon tied around his neck to remind me of its gifted ancestry. I shall attempt to be more alert to the culture that surrounds me when I'm in the garden weeding or mowing or pruning.

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