Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ensuite Happenings

Stephen put aside his apron today to work with Christopher on the ensuite. It's exciting to see things coming out and studs going in. The walls look so much better and the room is beginning to take shape. Next, we need the plumber. Biggest decision I have to make before he comes is what type of water spout should be purchased for the bath. There is to be a ledge of tiles surrounding the bath so it is vital that a spigot of the right length is sourced. It must be said that Stephen is possibly happier in the kitchen than he is in the ensuite with all its dust, jagged sheeting and lumps of cement on the floor that refuse to leave. I'll not be sorry to have it finished as the cold weather makes trips to the shower or bathroom hazardous. I've discovered that you can't run through the cold night air as you might a shower of rain, to run between the drops and think that you've avoided the worst. The cold has a nasty way of catching you. Fingers and toes glad to return to the warmth of the carpet and then back in bed while teeth chatter until one drags the quilts to chin height or luckily drifts off to sleep. Thank you, Stephen. Thank you, Christopher.

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