Friday, June 24, 2011


Whilst I consider myself to be neither a feminist or an anti-feminist it is with great respect that I applaud both man and machine today. The EX17 was handled with apparent ease, skill and grace. One man on each side working as a team to drill and spill the soil from the dark brown earth. The rhythm-lift drop, drill, lift, spill, drop and then onto the next hole. On the second terrace seventeen holes to standard depth in less than twenty minutes. Good sense to hire the correct technology for the job that might otherwise have taken a day to complete. Poles dropped into each hole so that tomorrow they can be concreted into place. The soon to be erected retaining wall will create additional level terrace space, complete with steps, down in to the back garden. Such space purpose built for sitting and relaxing or for the more energetic, for games or exercise. Turf will follow. I can almost see myself sitting there now and relaxing, taking in the view.

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