Wednesday, June 1, 2011

40 Minutes Later

Mysterious things happen when grown up children leave home and move out with their friends. The stories and things I heard after Chris moved in with his mates were enough to make my hair curl. So with mixed feelings I welcomed his return to allow him to save for his holiday. Tonight I believe that I have been given a lesson in parenting that brings a silent smile to my lips. Not only did he cook lasagne for the first time but he did so with Bechamel sauce. Chris took instructions and expertly created his first Bechamel sauce. Into the oven. A deep sigh when he discovered that he had a 4o minute wait for it to cook. Was it worth the wait? Indeed it was. I am certain that he cheered when he opened the door to reveal his lasagne. "Yes. Oh! Yes." He should not have been surprised for he had followed the instructions to a T and his lasagne was delicious. May he be a stranger in my kitchen no more. The topic of conversation at dinner revolved around Michelin Hats. How does one get one of those? Good questions and I am sure someone more eloquent than I can explain the blood, sweat and tears that are required to earn even one. Perhaps one day in the future. I should live that long.

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