Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday-Lunch San Terenzo

To shake off the parking fine blues we found a little ristorante down by the Mediterranean Sea. As we waited for it to open we made a brief and successful excursion to the market stalls lining the promenade. I found a cooler skirt. It was desperately needed due to the near 30 degree temperatures that we've had here in recent days. Three euros; what a bargain! Nestled behind the headland the restaurant offered all that we needed to restore our faith in our Italian experience. A shaded table and music from our past played in the background. Kind wait staff, prompt service and fine food. We tasted the freshest breads and oils. Two salads, one of mixed greens and another with grated carrot and tomato to start. My sword fish was butterflied and lightly pan fried. I think I detected a hint of Teriyaki. Stephen had the sea bass in a salty crust. Une frizzante and vino rosso to quench our thirst from the round trip to Lerici earlier today. Dolce for us both and espresso for Stephen. So relaxed and just what we needed. Wonder what dinner will deliver?

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I am loving reading this Kerry, brings back so many memories.... even tastes and smells....enjoy!!
