Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bastille-Viva la France

Lots of red, white and blue, for both apparel and table dressing, essential for this night, in order to remember the Bastille and the events leading to the French Revolution. It is that time of the year where we gathered for celebrations with our friends. This year I dressed as Marie Antoinette but without the wig for I had forgotten to go to the costume hire shop and organise the appropriate head dress. To ensure that I understood the implications of attending as one, who some consider, to be central to the revolution, I did my research. At the ripe age of 37 Marie met her death at the guillotine. It has been reported that her final words were uttered to her executioner. Her comment; "Pardon me, sir. I did not do it on purpose." What was she apologising for, you might ask? Not her life's misdoings, not her extravagant lifestyle but more simply, she had accidentally stepped on the foot of the executioner. The evening by the log fire with friends chatting about recent travels and new adventures was most convivial. Our hosts had set us a fine banquet table complete with samplings of delightful French wine with delicious cuisine to match. I will endeavour to rehearse, more successfully, some appropriate French phrases for next year. Frequently, thoughout the evening, I could only recall my recent Italian lessons and hence, was confusing every other French reference. Merci for a most pleasant evening.

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