Saturday, July 9, 2011

4WD Spicer's Grandchester

Michael's, red, 4WD was packed with morning tea, picnic rug, chairs, thermos and crusty bread before setting off for the hills. We had been told to expect some amazing views and indeed we weren't disappointed. The car jostled and tussled us as Michael navigated the steep track and ruts to the top of Sunset Boulevard (aptly named if there at sunset.) We left the car to walk the last few hundred metres to the lookout while Michael went ahead to set up our picnic. The climb to the top of the ridge was well worth the time and effort for the valley below was a spectacular sight. The ploughed and planted fields, checkerboard in style, lay below us as might an artist's canvas reveal itself. The surrounding solitude welcomed our arrival. Photo opportunities to be sure. Just wish that my humble photos could do justice to the vista. Not so.

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