Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ma Ma To Glen Innes

"What is a Ma Ma?" you ask. A reasonable question. Ma Ma is a small village only a short distance from Laidley on the Laidley-Gatton Road. Why mention or visit Ma Ma? Another good question. On our return journey we had hoped to avoid Cunningham's Gap since the traffic delays there had been untenable on Good Friday. Google maps and NAVMAN did their best to confuse us with differing versions of the best route to bypass the Gap. Undeterred we listened attentively as Karen's dulcet tone calmly directed our turns via NAVMAN. Eventually we rejoined the Cunningham Highway. At Ma Ma when we paused to re enter our destination I spotted the most unusual car parked nearby. Not sure of its type or even who owned the gleaming car but it certainly merited a cameo appearance in my blog. Onwards for many kilometres where driving was shared through Stanthorpe and Tenterfield. Accommodation booked for Glen Innes and an overnight stay. A casual walk around the almost deserted town revealed few dinner options except KFC and the loacal RSL. ANZAC Day meant that the RSL might have beeen very busy with true grit characters so we gave that a miss and KFC too. Turning down a side street we discovered a pizza shop and yes, they would deliver to the motel room. Yay! A further stop at Woolworths for some staples, wine, cheese, dip, a knife, paper plates and a complete set of new chopping boards for pre pizza munchies. Sometimes the simple things in life are the most enjoyable.

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