Sunday, May 23, 2010

Patterns - Colder Afternoons

It grows colder each day. Air conditioning cranked up. Stephen plattered (is that a word?) cheese, crackers, pate, apricots and figs for an afternoon snack today. A little glass of 2008, (a young one) Borgo Cipressi, Italian red that we buy online from Montepulciano (loved the little man in its bell tower.) I almost felt like I was on holiday in Europe but then I remembered that when we were in Tuscany the temperature was a pleasant 24 to 27 degrees for the entire two weeks that we were there. Cooler than that here. None the less, today was a great day, as our neighbour, John, the keen recycler, visited our old horse shed and collected all that could be recycled. In the clean up we discovered that our Webber is in pristine condition. I don't know why I doubted its integrity. Years of neglect in the horse shed would have soured my view on the world but not so our Webber. Next weekend we shall probably test its merit as we barbecue for a gathering of family. Soon it will be time for dinner as we missed lunch due to our gardening and clean up activities. Picked a stack of lemons too. Dinner tonight is another of Stephen's quick dinner delights. Take a sheet of puff pastry and load it with you favourite toppings and voila you have a tasty Sunday night dinner. Checking dictionary for viola. Please be patient. I must away to help with dinner.

1 comment:

  1. You wanted a comment. My comment is that it is really cold here and I work with someone who cranks the cool setting on the air con down because she knows I get cold easily.
    Food looks good. You wonder why I wish I had a normal life and normal hours and normal people to sit down with for dinner - kitties are not really into figs - well Charlotte may be, but we're not going to find out.
    But I have one up on you - I have some kind of rocky road chocolately ice cream to eat for dessert. yum yum.
