Monday, April 19, 2010

More Than Mustard

When Stephen and I left Tuscany we took the overnight sleeper from Italy to Dijon. It was early in the morning, well before the city had woken, when we walked still a little sleepy from the station out to the bus terminus. It was cool too. We sifted through our bags seeking some comfort from the cold. The city was clean and welcoming even at that time of the day. Had we not been encumbered by luggage we'd have explored the nearby shopping and business precinct before taking a coach to Gray. Fortunately we knew that we'd return to Dijon following our canal adventures so we dutifully waited at the bus stop. So upon our return we did see the sights. On walkabout we heard blaring horns and a procession of cars with people hanging from their windows waving and cheering. What was happening? Just a wedding according to the locals. Interesting custom. Dijon didn't just sell mustard. It was a vibrant city. A pleasing mix of old with new. Dijon drivers had overcome traffic and parking problems in a creative manner. One driver lifted his bike / car out from the kerb and waited for his chance to enter the stream of cars. It was the first time that I'd seen such transportation. A fine cathedral also graced the city of Dijon. It also boasted its own arch. Not as big as the one in Paris but still an arch none the less. At the tourist information centre in the middle of the city one could hire a special scooter. Perhaps that is not the correct term for it had a platform upon which one stood. It was some form of gyroscope transport. The correct name eludes me. Had I not felt that I may have been a danger to others I'd have like to try riding one. So we were on foot during our visit.

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