Friday, March 26, 2010

A Home Fit For A Pig

All over Europe we saw buildings that once stood proud and were probably once much loved but time and the elements had wearied their facades. Yet despite the disrepair the uncommon design and architecture attracted more than a glance and drew passersby to stop and inspect each new site. Once such building was that which housed the villa's resident pig or I think it did. On the day of our arrival the said pig was calmly grazing on a variety of small, hard, green-yellow pears that had covered the ground. Apart from that first sighting the pig was not seen again for the 10 days of our stay. I became intrigued and pondered the notion of roast pork. Had the pig been dispatched? While walking the villa's grounds one day I came upon the building shown above. As I drew closer I could hear muffled eating sounds and noted a large, white, plastic, bucket containing the green-yellow pears surrendered by the nearby tree. Ah! Pig's favourite food ... must be little pig's residence. Interesting diet. Wonder what it does for the flavour of the dressed meat or had I found the third little pig who had built his home of bricks? You can even see the chimney that lead to the demise of the big, bad wolf.

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