Monday, May 13, 2013

Flute case not needed for this wombat

3:00am - I woke to banging and crashing noises that sounded like they were coming from inside the house. Wide awake. Was it a prowler? A home invasion? Rapid breathing, heart racing I plucked up the courage to investigate; but, I was in bed. No weapons, nothing. Wait. I remember a flute case under the bedside table. I grab that and head to the kitchen. I expect to clobber the noise source. My two hands grip the flute case. It's raised overhead. I crept to the kitchen. Lights spring to my aid. Stephen checks doors and windows and I the porch. Was it the florist delivering my flowers that were supposed to be delivered for Mothers' Day? Was the florist so busy that my floral arrangement was being delivered a day late? No. No flowers. No florist stumbling in the dark. Nothing obvious amiss. Back to bed. Door firmly locked should the intruder or noise source, miraculously appear. Surprisingly, sleep came. 5:00am and I was up. A little fragile and feeling like I had imagined the whole 3:00am thing. Soon daylight would bring relief. I needed to investigate beyond the porch. A glimpse of my new outdoor setting piqued my interest. Tumbled and strewn cushions on the porch. The cover slip grounded. How? Who had done this to my brand new setting? Fear forgotten and my stride determined. The glass doors flung open. I made for those cushions. Scattered candles and pots lay on the ground. Now I was angry. What vandal had visited by place of relaxation? Bending to pick up the candles and pots, I saw it. I think that I saw it. A huge hairy rump had squeezed itself onto the coffee table's shelf. First thought. Wow. That's one big bush rat! Back-up. Full throttle. Processing now. Light-bulb moment. Stephen! Walter is back! From the kitchen his roaring laugh released the tension that had been building since 3:00am. Walter had gate crashed the coffee table and believed that he was safely hidden from prying eyes. The sun was up and it was, after-all, his bedtime.
Everyone knows that he likes to sleep during the day. I slid the flute case back where it belonged. Until next time. Walter is back ....

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