Saturday, March 2, 2013

How green is my world?

It has been raining for so long that my world has greened. Just a few weeks ago the ground was brown and crusted. The yard was reduced to a series of deep cracks. Cracks that stretched in a crazed-like pattern from fence to fence. The soil had withdrawn from the fence posts leaving me wondering if they would fall in the winds that sucked the air dry of moisture. Underfoot the remnant weeds and grass crackled and turned to dust. Wind blew and it seemed that rain would never come. Much social banter targeted the incessant cycle of weather. 'It must rain soon', was repeated over and over again as we all struggled in the heat. How fast life changes. Puddles have formed and grown into creeks. Creeks have flowed across roads and then streets, past homes and into them. Drenched plants and trees have sprouted new shoots. Cracks have slowly healed. Grass shoots once stubble have risen to green my world. How refreshing to walk that same yard; to tread carefully in my thongs. Oozing mud squelched around the pink of my thongs. Newly planted fruit trees grateful for the change stood stronger today. How green is my world?

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