Sunday, August 5, 2012

Relay For Life

What a day! How exciting to be able to arm wrestle for charity. You are probably thinking that it was not something that you would have expected to see me doing. The arm wrestling was all in a good cause as were the photo opportunities. Unusual that I met a number of people with a desire to have a happy snap taken with a pink kangaroo. After all, it is not an every day occurrence to be able to dance or shake hands with a pink kangaroo. The Relay For Life was holding a fundraiser at the Belmore today and so many attended to donate, to sell or buy chocolates and hundreds of dollars worth of raffle tickets. The generosity of the sponsors and those who bought copious numbers of raffle tickets must be recognised and so to those who came to cook the barbecue. A huge thank you that some people gave up their Sunday for such a worthy cause. Stephen, I did enjoy the dance. So spontaneous. I loved every minute.

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