Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday Roast

Sunday roasts. Traditional and comfort food. However, our very first attempt to roast a whole duck. A special trip to the farmer who has free range ducks and the purchase of a 'Number 18.' That equates to a 1.8 k bird. An old French recipe was sourced from one of Stephen's many cook books. The duck was placed on a bed of freshly cut, assorted vegetables and turned every twenty minutes to ensure even roasting. No stuffing as advised by the farmer who sold us the duck. His second tip - cook the duck under foil or in an oven bag to limit drying out. Check, check, got all that. Oiled and seasoned the duck was slipped beneath a blanket of shiny foil. Oven timer clicked twenty minutes several imes and a turning each time of the duck should have seen it delivered to the table nicely roasted. How unexpected it was to find how little meat was to be cut from the carcass. A single layer of meat just sufficient to cover a side plate was all that was to be taken from the seemingly large bird. Luckily we had a platter of mixed meats, cheese, fruits and nuts prior to the main for the offerings were somewhat slimming. The diet you are on when roasting a duck. The recipe suggested that the vegetables could be discarded after roasting the duck or alternatively kept to make soup stock with the carcass. Personally I chose to serve the vegetables as a side to the main; neither according to the recipe's recommendation. This was a learning experience. Tasty yes. Portions, too small for all of the effort. Dessert was pleasing. Ramekins of chocolate, self saucing pudding, ice cream, double cream, strawberries and a sliver of dragon fruit. A dusting of icing sugar and ready to serve.

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