Wednesday, March 23, 2011

These Shoes Aren't Made For Walking

I am most fortunate to have a daughter who has a passion for shoes. Why is that fortunate you may ask? Firstly, we share the same shoe size and secondly, my daughter loves to share her shoes. In some cases the offerings resemble those of a high fashion model but in many instances the colourful range makes choosing what to borrow a real novelty. Heels that give nose bleeds, heels that shimmer and heels not meant for walking all provide opportunities for fun. The best part of the selection process is matching the need with the outfit but so frequently the best colour match may be fraught with difficulties. Difficulties like how does one do up the shoe? Which way does one buckle the straps? Should be simple but a recent loaner required my ever patient husband and I trying a few styles before discovering the correct looping of the leather strapping. Now, this is not rocket science so I should expect to be able to manage putting on a pair of shoes all by myself. I learnt how to tie laces when I was very young so 'shoes 101' should be a piece of cake. I venture to add, that sometimes I am tentative about finding just the right shoe for the occasion for every pair has its own box. All boxes are stacked precariously in an order only understood by the stacker. At times I gingerly withdraw a box to have overhead boxes tumble on my yet to be clad feet. I also run the risk of developing favourites. Rules of engagement include:- return the shoes in their box inside of their little covers, where provided. Simple really! Can you guess which shoe in the pic' is borrowed?


  1. I'd go for the pink winkle-pickers !!

  2. Sorry Jean . Try again. One pink pair was a gift from a daughter who decided not to wear a purchase and the other pink pair the result of an urgent shop to make a quick purchase to attend an evening in support of breast cancer. Hence, the pink theme; the expected attire for that occasion. You must think that I have no sole/soul.
