Sunday, August 1, 2010

Afternoon Shared

The Sun has moved and the wind still blows so we have ventured back inside and opened up the drapes to allow the warmth and light to fill the lounge room. I dragged the lounge to face the window in order to soak in the rays and enjoy the company of Anne and Gary. The afternoon was convivial. We hadn't caught up with them since Bastille celebrations; weeks ago. Stephen had prepared lunch so I organised a platter. Our conversation turned to Europe and our Tuscan, holiday in 2008. Excitement is growing as we approach September's European holiday, departure date. Gary reminded us that not many travel with a sommalier, a chef, personal trainer, two journalists and a fitter-machinist. Paris will never be the same for any of us again. It's a good thing that Stephen is a manager as someone will need to manage the party. In the party there's a mix of experienced travellers and one complete novice so I expect many dialogue opportunities as we gather in Paris to share and make memories together. Some in our travel party still await the arrival of passports but they seem to be underway. While I am writing this the winds have stiffened and there is a definite blast of cold air engulfing the house. Only this afternoon I walked down to the back fence to capture the earliest notions of Spring. Perhaps I was too hasty. Our visitor Anne had warned earlier that we were in for a change and I believe that the change has descended upon the valley. The wind's eerie wailing has spooked me.

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