Friday, August 27, 2010

Backyard Burn Off

Each year we prune, we weed and drag the clippings down the back to the old dam. When it rains a small creek runs from the fence to the back paddocks. A perfect place to site our annual burn pile. Stephen suggests that I am a pyromaniac but my perspective is that when one is cleaning up and making the yard fire safe then every effort should be made to do the job thoroughly. So with that in mind I endeavour to locate all fallen sticks, branches and I think that you get the picture. This year we have an old wattle tree that is on its last legs so I decided to assist its removal and relocation to the afore mentioned burn pile. Just to set the scene you should be advised that the old wattle tree has wrapped some of its upper branches around the three phase electrical cable that delivers electricity to our home. Careful, careful, careful. I nudged, rocked and clipped the parts that I could before accepting that the tree's main trunk had defeated me this year. It was stubborn to the last. It's rotten throughout and I've sawn though the trunk but it holds its own. I make my way down to the burn pile with the finer branches. Fire seems low. What happened to the big pile? Where is Stephen? Ah, there he is. He is hosing the fence line. I can see it now. Trees smouldering, flames leaping along the reed bed of the creek. The grass is blackened above the burn pile and up to the fence. What happened? Funny how one asks the obvious at such times. At work I chair the OH&S Committee (hope that they don't find out about this little event.) I always stand with Stephen when he starts the burn. The first time ever and this is what happens. The hose does not reach the big gum that smoulders. What a stench. Smoke rises from its trunk. I locate buckets and patiently fill them in turn and proceed to drench the acrid bark. Finally, the pile is reduced to ashes and life goes on for another year.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy Birthday

Last Friday night was an evening of celebration for Jeni's Birthday. Once again we had gathered at Jeni and Alain's for dinner. Cold it was outside but inside, toasty warm with the log fire burning smartly, for all to stand by and warm themselves. An evening of relaxed discourse with good friends. Alain was, with help from Elizabeth, organising tonight's proceedings. Prawn and avocado entree, delicious. Mains just as tasty! Dessert scrumptious. Great night! Happy Birthday, Jeni. I like parties.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Egg Test

I have just been told by our house guests and Stephen that I am to be the egg, taste tester this morning. Basically, Lindy is going to make me my weekend poached egg breakfast alongside of Stephen. Both will be cooking an egg for me; one using traditional methods and the other the microwave. I am expected to determine which procedure delivers the best taste to my palette. Stephen has kindly prepared poached eggs for me each weekend for as long as I can remember. Just to make it interesting, the eggs are free range and home grown by our guests. I can hear their conversation as I type this. However, I am being called to assist in the process. Lindy requested a blindfold. One was located, believe it or not? The test was underway. Could I see through the blindfold? I had a worrying concern. The man who I love cooks me eggs every weekend. What will happen to my future breakfasts should I offend him? Photographer in place. Scientific controls; check. Finding my egg was a problem as the blindfold really was effective. This could be a no win dilemma. Hmm. Egg at 3 o'clock must be the real egg. Try egg at 9 o'clock. Well let me tell you couldn't find eggs at either 3 or 9 o'clock without the assistance of Michelle. By the way hope that she does not become someone's carer. I had egg all over my fingers at one point. Are you sure was the question posed? Do you want to change that opinion? Should have guessed that I was being prompted to reconsider my perspective. Was that a hint? In truth, I liked both. Home grown flat parsley was fine too. After the test results Stephen celebrated his win and he ate the remaining egg. Some days you just get lucky. Thank you Lindy and Stephen; my eggs were delicious.

Bathroom is moving along

The plumber came again on Friday. What a good man. 4 hours and the upstairs plumbing is all but complete. The ensuite was commenced 19 weeks ago so it is most pleasing to see work progressing. Stephen was very kind to organise the plumber and he turned up! I have included a shot of my current rustic, bedroom decor. It shows the tools essential for the next stage of renovations. I really don't mind that they adorn my bedroom. In fact there is something comforting knowing that they will be utilised to sheet the walls before tiling. The vanity is a good resting spot for the pillows and cushions each night so when it is attached to the bathroom wall I'll need to make alternative arrangements.

Woonona Called In

Michelle and Lindy made the epic trip to the Hunter today. It has been too long between visits. The day was warm and the sun was shining brilliantly. Platters of olives, pate, stuffed bell peppers, pita bread, goat's cheese, Chorizo sausage, dried apricots/strawberries, mini toasts, scrubbed brie, hommus, Prosecco, smoked salmon, ... So good to catch up after so long. Tea, biscuits and chocolates to finish the luncheon event. Stephen has commenced his preparations for a Moroccan dinner later tonight. I have cut fresh mint for the salad. The table is set and I am beginning my blog. Rick Stein's food show is on Austar. What could be better? I am told that we are to have a South Australian, red wine with this evening's meal. Oops! I just remembered that I am making dessert. While I'm doing that take a look at Michelle's biscuits. Back again; my dessert prepped. Puff pastry logs topped with pastry art deco and sprinkles of raw sugar. Later these were filled with caramel and double cream. All served with fresh strawberries, blueberries, a round of dark chocolate and ice cream. Lightly dusted with icing sugar and hey presto.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Afternoon Shared

The Sun has moved and the wind still blows so we have ventured back inside and opened up the drapes to allow the warmth and light to fill the lounge room. I dragged the lounge to face the window in order to soak in the rays and enjoy the company of Anne and Gary. The afternoon was convivial. We hadn't caught up with them since Bastille celebrations; weeks ago. Stephen had prepared lunch so I organised a platter. Our conversation turned to Europe and our Tuscan, holiday in 2008. Excitement is growing as we approach September's European holiday, departure date. Gary reminded us that not many travel with a sommalier, a chef, personal trainer, two journalists and a fitter-machinist. Paris will never be the same for any of us again. It's a good thing that Stephen is a manager as someone will need to manage the party. In the party there's a mix of experienced travellers and one complete novice so I expect many dialogue opportunities as we gather in Paris to share and make memories together. Some in our travel party still await the arrival of passports but they seem to be underway. While I am writing this the winds have stiffened and there is a definite blast of cold air engulfing the house. Only this afternoon I walked down to the back fence to capture the earliest notions of Spring. Perhaps I was too hasty. Our visitor Anne had warned earlier that we were in for a change and I believe that the change has descended upon the valley. The wind's eerie wailing has spooked me.

August Winds Bring On Spring

August is here and so too are the winds. When we moved here in 1990 we quickly discovered why Windella was so named. The winds have been with us for two days now. Sun is shining and out of the wind it is actually pleasant to be outside. I like going to the fruit shop at Greenhills as the products are often unique and at times I wonder what some of the food items are and how one cooks them. Today we picked up a few specialty Italian products for a pasta night but for lunch Stephen prepared Salade Nicoise. Despite the wind, we sat outside under the pergola to enjoy the sun and the view while we ate our lunch. Werealise that the August winds usually mean an average rainfall in the coming months. When the winds don't blow in August we tend to head towards drought so the winds are not necessarily a bad omen.