Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Stephen and I were watching the movie, A Trip To Italy last weekend. The movie prompted us to book a table at our local and favourite Trattoria, Lillino's. A quick call to Valentina had secured us a table for dinner. Having had no lunch, the images of the meals showcased in the movie had fostered a hunger for traditional Italian cooking. Later, over a dinner of shared plates, each piled with steaming pasta we agreed that we needed to do some home cooking, Italian style. When we arrived home hurried invitations were emailed to friends inviting them to join us in creating some pasta dishes of our own. Dishes that would allow us to reminisce about our travels.
Jeni, Alain, Stephen and I measured flour, rolled dough and cranked handles on a pasta machine before hanging our efforts out to dry. On a side note, the handle of the pasta machine had the unnerving habit of falling out of its socket and clanging to the floor. It was more a product design fault rather than issues due to its inexperienced operators.
A previously gifted pasta dryer was extremely helpful in drying the strips of pasta. In the past, when we had made pasta we had no fabulous plastic tower, complete with lifter and it was hung on clothes hangers about the kitchen. The completed cuisine was particularly tasty. The best fun was in the meal's creation and in the making of happy memories.

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