Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Surprise visit ...

I like surprises and last week I surprised my daughter, Kirstie and arrived to knock at her door in Tasmania. Only two weeks prior, Stephen and I had made a sudden decision to make the trip to Tarraleah. How exciting it was to knock on the door to her apartment well after all other guests had checked in for the night. Believing that it was a late guest she opened the door tentatively to see us standing there. Tears and hugs all round. What a greeting. A greeting that showed me that all of the secret planning had been well worth it. It was a visit of firsts in that we made the walk to discover the newly created forest site for weddings. A site in its bush setting under a canopy of trees. Ferns and wild flowers grew beside the bush track leading to the forest chapel. I could imagine excited future wedding guests and bridal parties making the same walk.

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