Sunday, January 5, 2014

Farewell 2013

A Moroccan themed New Year's Eve dinner saw everyone don the most amazing apparel. There were some fortunate guests who had genuine items of Moroccan fashion. Then there were others, like myself, who had ventured to the creative side. We dressed in something reflecting the tone of the night. Quite possibly some of us lucky to be escaping the ire of the Fashion Police. Commencing at 9:00 pm we were greeted by our hosts where opportunities abounded to discuss individual attire. One guest had sought the aid of the digital world to ensure that he had arranged his head wear according to authentic practices. What would such occasions do without YouTube? After twelve viewings Gary proudly displayed his newly discovered skills and techniques. Yet another guest had recycled a Nativity costume from his past. Mike had a biblical take on the occasion. Stephen bravely pulled on a caftan purchased on his travels to Africa. All I can say is that we were all fortunate to have once again been invited to a New Year's Eve event of international proportions. Luckier still that none of the guests were pulled over for RBT. The alcohol reading was not the issue but rather how the establishment would have viewed the less than standard party attire of those making their way home.

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