Friday, February 4, 2011

42 Degrees

In January, each year, Maitland hosts a fundraising event for various local charities. The event is called the Ball In The Mall as it is held in the shopping centre's open air mall. Usually 600 people attend where they wine, dine and dance until the wee, small hours. It is a spectacular occasion where dinner suits and elegant and glamorous frocks make their way through the mall to tables erected under shopfront awnings. Another notable feature of the function is that it coincides with the extreme heat of summer. Regardless of the heat everyone has a magnificent time. However, this year for the first time in more than 20 years it was cancelled leaving those passionate to celebrate without 'an event.' Hence, the reason for our dinner this evening. Tickets refunded but spirits not quenched. Eight of us shall ignore the heat and celebrate in style, in true Aussie spirit. Dinner preparation began some time ago. Prior to current heatwave. 42 degrees today with a hot blustery wind adding to the ambiance. Pre dinner drinks of well chilled, Moet champagne or a cool wine or beer for those so inclined, to start the proceedings. This to be accompanied by platter of assorted fruits and pate to align the palate for the evening. This to be followed by an entree of celeriac remoulade, flaked smoke trout, fresh melon segments and a dab of onion jam on the side. Next, a portion of lemon sorbet to refresh the taste buds before lightly seasoned fish or chicken breasts stuffed with feta, sage, and bacon pieces or sun dried tomato according to our guests food interests. A salad of fresh figs over a bed of leaves will support the chicken breasts as the main. A touch of wild lime dressing will be poured once served. Later in the evening there will be platters of cheese, fresh strawberries and grapes to suggest to diners that dessert is soon to come. Stephen has made a rich chocolate tart that will be presented with flaked chocolate and a portion of vanilla ice cream. Given the extreme heat I sincerely doubt that many will desire an espresso to finish the night but I am positive that most will savour the sweet dessert wine purchased for the occasion. Meanwhile I am sitting here sweltering despite the air conditioning running since 7:00am. Bon appetite! What to wear. Not formal. Too hot. Should definitely not be my swimmers. I'll think of something cool.

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