Friday, February 18, 2011


Vanity, not as in beauty. I understand that people like to look at beautiful things. So presumably I shall greatly enjoy looking at the bathroom vanity; a thing of beauty. The vanity is to be mounted on the wall this very day. I hope that others will appreciate its beauty. I like the surface and its reflective sheen. For many months it sat quietly and secretly beneath its protective cover waiting to reveal its beauty. When I chose the finish in the showroom I was reluctant as to its colour appeal for others. The modern design and colour will dominate the vista when the twin doors open to the en suite. Will others see its beauty? Will they look away or past and not see its beauty? Its inner beauty, that which defines its purpose is revealed while fixtures and plumbing are secured behind two drawers that will be filled with an assortment of bathroom requisites. Matt finish, silver handles run the length of drawers that have remained shut since their creation. A crisp white ceramic basin completes its beauty. Bedside tables and chests of drawers laden with baskets meant for vanity storage will now cast aside their wares. Perhaps too, the bath's leak will ebb and it will earn its place alongside the beauty, the vanity.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Is this a Chandon moment?

In 2009 I asked for a toilet and a bathtub for my birthday. Christmas that same year I requested a large window. In between times shower heads, taps, a screen and a vanity were added to my list of can I please have ...? A momentous occasion for me today when the toilet was flushed for the first time. It didn't leak. Not exactly. It was a short time later that the puddle of water was detected by the home DIY plumber. But not to worry for after a little tightening here and there and it is now fully functional. As I type I hear drilling so I can only speculate as to what is being installed. Perhaps the robe hooks, the towel rails of the TP holder. It doesn't matter. That drilling sound is like music to my ears. Not the dirge that I play on my IPod; real melodic noise that which only a drill can make on freshly hung tiles. This calls for a picture and is possibly in poor taste but it is difficult to curb my enthusiasm and excitement. What a privilege. To be able to use the new fittings while looking out on my garden and the pool. A sprinkle of rain enhances the ceremony, almost like a christening or should I reserve that for my first bath? With this view it was certainly worth the wait. Tomorrow the bath will sit in its beautifully prepared cavity. The tiles now grouted welcome its arrival. I also appreciate that those who read this may deem my life to be less than bustling when I display such emotion and affection for a loo! Sad but true. I still have the bottle of chilled Moet sitting in the fridge. A left over from last weekend. Moet, Chandon means a serious celebration is on its way.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Last night I found out what it is like to go back to square one. I can't believe that I actually signed up for Italian lessons at an evening college. What was I thinking? Obviously the answer is, that I wasn't thinking, not at all. I was keen to go and looking forward to acquiring some vocabulary before my next OS trip later this year. The teacher was pleasant, the room was chilly (air conditioner works too efficiently,) but the pace of learning was beyond my limited skills. I found myself drifting and reflecting on the difficulties faced by some of the people with whom I work every day. I realised how uncomfortable and deflated they must feel when presented with material that challenges them to the point of stress. I noted that I had begun to withdraw from the lesson some time past the first hour. I slowly sank into the rock hard, plastic chair, hand on the side of my head and was even starting to lean to one side of the table. Never had I wanted to flee a learning opportunity before in my life like I did last night. Alphabet treated and seemingly understood by all present except for me. Vowels, consonants and the mention of conjugating verbs. I shudder to contemplate next week's lesson. More than one expects to hear in Italian 101. Will I go back next week? To go or not to go? That is the question. More importantly how will I respond when I note the changing body language of those with whom I work on a daily basis?

Friday, February 4, 2011

42 Degrees

In January, each year, Maitland hosts a fundraising event for various local charities. The event is called the Ball In The Mall as it is held in the shopping centre's open air mall. Usually 600 people attend where they wine, dine and dance until the wee, small hours. It is a spectacular occasion where dinner suits and elegant and glamorous frocks make their way through the mall to tables erected under shopfront awnings. Another notable feature of the function is that it coincides with the extreme heat of summer. Regardless of the heat everyone has a magnificent time. However, this year for the first time in more than 20 years it was cancelled leaving those passionate to celebrate without 'an event.' Hence, the reason for our dinner this evening. Tickets refunded but spirits not quenched. Eight of us shall ignore the heat and celebrate in style, in true Aussie spirit. Dinner preparation began some time ago. Prior to current heatwave. 42 degrees today with a hot blustery wind adding to the ambiance. Pre dinner drinks of well chilled, Moet champagne or a cool wine or beer for those so inclined, to start the proceedings. This to be accompanied by platter of assorted fruits and pate to align the palate for the evening. This to be followed by an entree of celeriac remoulade, flaked smoke trout, fresh melon segments and a dab of onion jam on the side. Next, a portion of lemon sorbet to refresh the taste buds before lightly seasoned fish or chicken breasts stuffed with feta, sage, and bacon pieces or sun dried tomato according to our guests food interests. A salad of fresh figs over a bed of leaves will support the chicken breasts as the main. A touch of wild lime dressing will be poured once served. Later in the evening there will be platters of cheese, fresh strawberries and grapes to suggest to diners that dessert is soon to come. Stephen has made a rich chocolate tart that will be presented with flaked chocolate and a portion of vanilla ice cream. Given the extreme heat I sincerely doubt that many will desire an espresso to finish the night but I am positive that most will savour the sweet dessert wine purchased for the occasion. Meanwhile I am sitting here sweltering despite the air conditioning running since 7:00am. Bon appetite! What to wear. Not formal. Too hot. Should definitely not be my swimmers. I'll think of something cool.