Saturday, July 6, 2013


Sitting on the lounge and enjoying the morning's serenity. Somewhere, in the  distance, I can hear King Parrots calling, but much closer, the chatter of tiny finches. Our garden is a haven for so much bird and wildlife. Last week a giant roo stood at our front gate seeking entry to the back yard and the paddocks beyond. Yesterday, I spotted a kitten making its first journey from its burrow beneath the tall conifer out the front. Not sure how many other rabbits are secreted beneath its branches. Some consider them pests. Different needs bring various perspectives to that notion. As I don't earn a living from my garden I am content to allow them to nibble the grass on the lawn. Their unexpected appearance during the day has its own appeal. The big black butterflies are too fast for me to capture in the camera's lens. Did the parrot hear me typing and wonder what I was writing about today?

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