Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Defiance Sculpture Park - Gallery Gate Wollombi

Something about holidays that makes one turn their thoughts to culture. Artistic moments beckoned. What inspirational and artistic location could I unearth without passing on the highways travelled by Steamfest enthusiasts? I have no qualms about steam and its devotees I merely did not wish to compete for road space and queue at round-abouts. Where to? Somewhere I recalled reading about sculptures in a garden gallery. Googled a few key words and presto, Wollombi appeared on my screen. As a destination for a Sunday drive, most pleasant. Not a trek but a sedate and scenic connection with the valley. We passed through sleepy, rural, villages and crossed many bridges before arriving at the Gallery Gate at Wollombi. Mown lawn hosted more than a dozen sculptures in the garden gallery. Bold sculptures fashioned from the imagination and hewn by hand dominated the landscape. Steel strained to its limits piqued my interest. Seemingly casual in style, yet very much in control of its plinth, stood my favourite. Many other fascinating sculptures invite comment; well worth the visit.

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