Saturday, December 29, 2012

Spicer's Hidden Vale

Spicer's Hidden Vale as you have never seen it before. Sitting on the verandah waiting for my eggs Benedict I experimented with my Ipad's, Photo booth app. What a different perspective! The natural beauty of the garden, whilst never ordinary, becomes fascinating. Even the simple placemat, a virtual, artistic image.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Spicer's Hiddenvale to Pterodactyl Helicopter Flight

All I wanted for Christmas was to surprise someone special. Friday was a road trip to a secret destination where not even the driver knew his route. Trip instructions were given via a back seat passenger - turn left here, take the next exit. The woodland surrounds pleasant as if we were out for a Sunday drive. Then, directives to enter the gateway to a long driveway. The driver's (someone special) keen eye spotted a helicopter parked on a helipad. So the secret was discovered - we were all soon to be flying in a Robinson R44. What a buzz! Taking to the skies over Kholo with our pilot, Mike. Safety briefings thorough and precise. Seat belts fastened and headsets donned, we were ready for take off. Brief radio messages between pilot and a base somewhere distant ensured that we were flying freely in our own private space. I felt like I was being transported in a glass pod as we rose over the tree tops and houses. Familiar from the ground became awe inspiring from the chopper. We swept over paddocks and tracked the river to Manchester Dam. The dam's water painted images brilliant in both colour and form. Land cropped with various plantings made patterns in the earth below. Exhilarating momentum as the chopper banked steeply for some good photo opp's. It was a day for surprises and for making memories.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Another Nest

For the second time in as many months we have a bird nesting right outside our bedroom window. In the extreme heat on Christmas Eve the mother, a Willy Wagtail, stood on the edge of the nest shading her chicks from the afternoon sun. The three chicks chirped incessantly demanding that she remain at her post. Looking like a guard she rested on the nest's outer rim for many minutes at a time.  Then she repeatedly few off to source food for their insatiable appetites. Every mother on Christmas Eve is often as busy. 

Christmas 2012

Christmas Eve was a scorcher. 37+ degrees! Preparations for a gathering under the pergola were very last minute. With no time to spare before the first guests arrived the finishing touches were made to platters and pastry, pinwheels. The tree had been dressed for weeks. It stood waiting patiently to reveal its secrets. Stockings sat in a long line on the lounge. They were brimming with goodies and bursting at the seams. The individual designs and colours noted and it was, I am told, expected that we should each remember which was ''ours'' for next year. Not sure that I can do that so I may take a picture to remind me.  Convivial banter with some having travelled from overseas to share the festive mood of the evening. It was almost midnight when we crawled into bed. The essential sleep, a requisite, for Santa to come. Weary was I when I opened my eyes to the table set for breakfast. The good fairies must have visited in the middle of the night for as if by magic someone they had organised breakfast. Breakfast, an imperative, to make way for the ransacking of the gifts beneath the Christmas tree. A ransacking it was with all its fervor. Kate, the self nominated, enthusiastic, courier delivered presents to each seated onlooker. The pace for the remainder of the day was somewhat more relaxed and casual. A seafood dinner of scallops, prawn skewers, salads and cold lamb were prepped by willing participants. Selections of sorbets, various ice creams  and a favourite chocolate tart the much anticipated dessert offerings to end the experience.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Merry Christmas

So many had worked so hard for so long that they deserved to have some fun. Fun, was definitely on today's lunch menu. Just a few more sleeps before Santa's arrival. Christmas comes but once a year so it is important that it is celebrated in style. Style is what my colleagues have in abundance. Designer gift wrap and novel tags aside a choir of staff volunteers provided a live rendition of, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, to entertain and delight the awaiting diners. Merry Christmas!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Alfresco Dining

There was no moon or starlight so one had to improvise. I'd found candles to be the quick and effective solution on such occasions. When the stars don't twinkle then the candle flames must be summoned to flicker in the background. Last night was another opportunity to break bread and sip bubbles and wine with friends. Even the drop of rain did not dampen the spirits of the dining companions. Table trimmed, platters laden each of us was ready to relax; except perhaps for Chef Stephen. He was in the kitchen prepping shots of watercress and spicy tomato soup. The shots were topped with finely chopped prosciutto and garden picked, flat, parsley. Delicious and finished too soon. Soup shots were followed by flame, grilled, meatballs accompanied by a hot, tomato sauce spiced with cayenne pepper and sprinkled with basil and a hint of tarragon. Finally, guests were invited to be seated as the entree was to be served. An entree of scallops, lightly fried and plated with a Limoncello sauce and garnished with zested lemon rind was the signal for the meal to begin. The evening was meant to be casual dining with barbecued meats but due to the earlier rain oven roasted was the preferred option. Roast pork and lamb were carved and served alongside of a leafy salad, potatoes and sour cream. Thence, it was time to pause and take a break to allow guests to digest their first courses. Dessert was next to be staged. Dessert, was a simple serve of a puff pastry finger. The pastry fingers lined with whipped cream and blueberries sat with strawberries, kiwi fruit and vanilla ice cream before a final dusting of icing sugar. Adjournment to the lounge for offerings of chocolates but no takers for coffee. A great way to end a very busy week for everyone. Alfresco dining - definitely recommended for de-stressing the grey matter.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Wedding Snaps

In this digital age not one of us hesitates to capture each moment in time and make a photographic memory to be shared. This wedding was no exception, with mobile phones, cameras with large zoom lenses and the more discrete models - snapping, clicking and flashing all afternoon until late in the evening. It is interesting to review the fresh smiles seen in those snapped photographs as guests busied themselves sampling bubbles, beer or wines and even the odd cognac. Terrace images highlight the cheerful mood. Tennis even made its way into the proceedings. Who would have thought?

Spicer's Peak Wedding

At 3 o'clock family and friends made their way to the lawn by the pool. Twenty-four of us assembled to witness Kirstie and Michael exchanging their vows. The sun was shining and there was a definite warmth to the air. Kirstie and her attendants were keen to begin proceedings. Hair dressed and dresses donned it was time to commence the ceremony. Michael and his groom's men were waiting to greet the bridal procession. Geoff, the celebrant recounted the stories of how Kirstie and Michael met and some shared memories of their relationship. Following the ceremony the partying began in earnest. A Wedding Feast of seven courses had been designed and presented to an exceptional standard. Dining tables festooned with flowers and silver candelabras created a mood of calm elegance and sophistication. A two tiered wedding cake mirrored the traditional theme now so well established by the happy couple.

Wedding Highjinx

There are first times for everything and I have now experienced the What a fun way to celebrate an event. Weddings whilst being a momentous occasions can also be an opportunity to party. Once inside that photo booth and red curtain guests adorned with all manner of props performed for the mysterious lens. A lens that somehow new just how to capture a special moment in time. Being unfamiliar I was somewhat reserved during my earliest visit. However, once initiated I became more ambitious and creative as were family and friends. 3 men in underbelly dress snuck past security for one shot terrorising 3 delicate ladies of the most gentile natures.

Spicer's Peak Art

Art lovers and even the casual gallery buff delights in the vast collection of sculptures, prints and paintings at Spicer's Peak. A tranquil walk in the gardens reveals sculptures of every type. Walls and corridors are lined with unique pieces of art. Upstairs in the lodge sits a fine mosaic. On the short walk to the Day Spa the guest cannot help but pause and survey the featured wire and stone sculptures.  Other selected artworks utilise media such as wood, oils, prints, glass and even ceramics. The vibrant colours in some works carefully support the ambiance of the lodge whilst others add lively consideration for the delicate surrounds and environment. The scope and depth of the artworks is indeed impressive.

Hiddenvale to Spicer's Peak

We left Spicer's Hiddenvale and travelled for some time before exiting the highway that was to reveal the sign for Spicer's Peak. It is at the end of a steep, winding, climb that you will find The Peak. The highest non alpine resort in the Southern Hemisphere. That little bit of trivia does not prepare one for the world within its gates. Greeted at the door, luggage retrieved and spirited away to our rooms whilst drink orders were taken. I sipped my wee drop of red by the log fire, not the grand piano so as not to confuse others. Sadly, I have no musical talent what-so-ever! Over the next few hours other wedding guests made their way to the doors too. Some took in the view while others checked out the pool table. A number of us sought the coffee lounge to sip bubbles or beer before lunch. Lunch suggested an Italian concept with long tables dressed under the vine clad pergola. White linen bedecked the tables in readiness for a sumptuous buffet; the perfect meal for convivial chat and banter. More bubbles or beer before whisking off to the day spa for a massage. This moment in my agenda ensured that I would be well rested and relaxed for the days ahead. The wedding schedule so neatly typed and tied with ribbon was left on my bed along with tasty treats so that I may plan my day's activities and fully enjoy all of the celebrations.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Lillino's Light Lunch

Talga Road is the place to go for a light lunch or the daily chalkboard special. On Saturday afternoon we sat at Luigi's where we feasted on wood-fired pizza, insalata mista, the '05 Shiraz and poached pear. A pleasant way to spend the second last day of my holidays. Luigi was kind enough to bring in one of Isabella's pups. Every cellar door needs a dog. Luigi has two. We may soon have one of those pups.