Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Day 2011

We drove for almost 10 hours to go to Spicer's Hiddenvale in Queensland for Christmas Day. It was well worth the long journey. We stopped overnight at Armidale to break the trip. Up at 6:00am so we left very early on the 24th to go to Grandchester. Lunch on the verandah was most welcome after the last 5 hours of driving. To begin my Christmas Day activities I ventured to the pool for a quiet dip before breakfast. Later, sitting at the resort having had a beautiful breakfast I decided that a family photo opportunity had presented. Hence the family happy snap. We had a delicious Christmas lunch in the Board Room. I had been looking forward to this occasion for some time. Merry Christmas everyone. Thank you Santa and Elf, Ashley. Christmas lunch was a delightful experience. Thank you to all the staff who prepared and served everyone Christmas lunch.

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