Saturday, December 29, 2012

Spicer's Hidden Vale

Spicer's Hidden Vale as you have never seen it before. Sitting on the verandah waiting for my eggs Benedict I experimented with my Ipad's, Photo booth app. What a different perspective! The natural beauty of the garden, whilst never ordinary, becomes fascinating. Even the simple placemat, a virtual, artistic image.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Spicer's Hiddenvale to Pterodactyl Helicopter Flight

All I wanted for Christmas was to surprise someone special. Friday was a road trip to a secret destination where not even the driver knew his route. Trip instructions were given via a back seat passenger - turn left here, take the next exit. The woodland surrounds pleasant as if we were out for a Sunday drive. Then, directives to enter the gateway to a long driveway. The driver's (someone special) keen eye spotted a helicopter parked on a helipad. So the secret was discovered - we were all soon to be flying in a Robinson R44. What a buzz! Taking to the skies over Kholo with our pilot, Mike. Safety briefings thorough and precise. Seat belts fastened and headsets donned, we were ready for take off. Brief radio messages between pilot and a base somewhere distant ensured that we were flying freely in our own private space. I felt like I was being transported in a glass pod as we rose over the tree tops and houses. Familiar from the ground became awe inspiring from the chopper. We swept over paddocks and tracked the river to Manchester Dam. The dam's water painted images brilliant in both colour and form. Land cropped with various plantings made patterns in the earth below. Exhilarating momentum as the chopper banked steeply for some good photo opp's. It was a day for surprises and for making memories.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Another Nest

For the second time in as many months we have a bird nesting right outside our bedroom window. In the extreme heat on Christmas Eve the mother, a Willy Wagtail, stood on the edge of the nest shading her chicks from the afternoon sun. The three chicks chirped incessantly demanding that she remain at her post. Looking like a guard she rested on the nest's outer rim for many minutes at a time.  Then she repeatedly few off to source food for their insatiable appetites. Every mother on Christmas Eve is often as busy. 

Christmas 2012

Christmas Eve was a scorcher. 37+ degrees! Preparations for a gathering under the pergola were very last minute. With no time to spare before the first guests arrived the finishing touches were made to platters and pastry, pinwheels. The tree had been dressed for weeks. It stood waiting patiently to reveal its secrets. Stockings sat in a long line on the lounge. They were brimming with goodies and bursting at the seams. The individual designs and colours noted and it was, I am told, expected that we should each remember which was ''ours'' for next year. Not sure that I can do that so I may take a picture to remind me.  Convivial banter with some having travelled from overseas to share the festive mood of the evening. It was almost midnight when we crawled into bed. The essential sleep, a requisite, for Santa to come. Weary was I when I opened my eyes to the table set for breakfast. The good fairies must have visited in the middle of the night for as if by magic someone they had organised breakfast. Breakfast, an imperative, to make way for the ransacking of the gifts beneath the Christmas tree. A ransacking it was with all its fervor. Kate, the self nominated, enthusiastic, courier delivered presents to each seated onlooker. The pace for the remainder of the day was somewhat more relaxed and casual. A seafood dinner of scallops, prawn skewers, salads and cold lamb were prepped by willing participants. Selections of sorbets, various ice creams  and a favourite chocolate tart the much anticipated dessert offerings to end the experience.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Merry Christmas

So many had worked so hard for so long that they deserved to have some fun. Fun, was definitely on today's lunch menu. Just a few more sleeps before Santa's arrival. Christmas comes but once a year so it is important that it is celebrated in style. Style is what my colleagues have in abundance. Designer gift wrap and novel tags aside a choir of staff volunteers provided a live rendition of, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, to entertain and delight the awaiting diners. Merry Christmas!