Thursday, September 30, 2010

I Have a Hat

Kirstie is an especially keen gift shopper and she loves a bargain so she has purchased all manner of trinkets but my favourite is the red hat that she bought me. I will mention - near Notre Dame. It is hard to describe and do it justice. It is a bold red soft felt-like material that has been stitched to create creases. A small flower fashioned from the same fabric has been attached to its side. I am sure as it is growing colder each day that this little bargain hunter's hat will be essential couture for the humble Aussie traveller. Sorry no pics yet. Please be patient.

The Australian Embassy

We started our day with a trip to the Hard Rock Cafe to collect our Paris Passes. Not too difficult after the ticket machine finally relinquished 4 tickets from the not so automatic dispenser. Couple of changes and then we were almost there but we just couldn't see the cafe. My French must be improving as the Chinese lady that I asked for directions spoke perfect French and I actually understood enough to know that it was down the street and across to the other side. Next task was to locate the Australian embassy and seek their advice re our passport issues. Stephen and I met the Ambassador. He took a moment from his day to enquire about our situation. What a fine diplomat indeed. Australia you chose well. Later this same day we toured Notre Dame, lunched at a local cafe before the Louvre and a river cruise to end the day's tourist activities. Eiffel Tower was illuminated as we made our way back towards the apartment. It was almost 8 o'clock so dinner was necessary. Ate locally at a noisy and busy bistro. Secured the essential groceries from the lovely Indian man at the general store nearby. Why is the toilet paper in France pink? Does anyone know the answer to that? I know that this is a random question but when were were in France last time I noticed the same thing. What is the connection? Ah, small things puzzle weary travellers.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

No Passport in Paris

Can you believe it? Kate has accidentally picked up Stephen's passport with hers and then flown to London. She realised the problem when she was 5 minutes from flying out to London. Bad connection but you said what? "You have my passport with you." Interesting dialogue opportunities to come. Many Facebook messages and then a direct call through to Harvey World in Australia after two failed attempts. Embassy or train or plane or automobile to track the passport as it travels at breakneck speed throughout Europe on the Contiki Tour. Finally, tracked Kate's itinerary but we'll wait to see what the Australian Embassy recommends later today. My French will possibly improve greatly in the next few hours! Fortunately we do have a photocopy of the original passport. Perhaps I'll have an unscheduled flight or train or car trip to recover the holidaying passport.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Paris - We have arrived

This was to be a journey where memories were to be made. Our driver, Gary, was calm and professional thus, allowing us to settle, kick back and survey the plush interior. Katherine, Christopher, Stephen and I sat amid the leather and chatted happily. A small traffic snarl at the Bridge's Tunnel didn't phase us. However, once moving past that and through the tunnel the limousine revealed its secret hidden by the sunlight. In the darkened tunnel one could see that the roof was illuminated by hundreds of pin pricks of light. The pin pricks of light dimmed, glowed and changed colour before disappearing as we drove up into the sunlight once more. A delightful trip in the limousine! Kirstie was standing to greet us at the doors to the departure terminal with her camera in hand. She snapped one of our first memories. Everyone now at the departure terminal and set to travel to Paris via Singapore. Sipping bubbles like we did this every day when we sat in the limo with our Moet Chandon. Now planes coming and going. How exciting! Never travelled this way before. What a buzz. Katherine and Christopher sat as if accustomed to such transportation. As I have said, "This was just the beginning of the journey for the making of memories." Plane journey was as one would expect from Australia to Paris; long but pleasingly uneventful. Upon arrival in Paris we were greeted by our chauffeur who kindly delivered us right to our door in Paris. 5th floor apartment not far fro the Arc de Triumph. The apartment - hmmm. Big, so very big. Loved the grandfather clock. Its wooden cabinet a good two metres in height. A golden pendulum the size of a bread and butter plate, showed its age as it hung silently before two equally enormous weights. No ticking. I searched without success for evidence of a key to check above the weighted mechanism. I nudged the pendulum with my finger tip to encourage it to move and swing back and forth. For a few moments the giant pendulum swung from my humble urgings but it could not maintain the momentum and slowed to a stop. I wanted to repeat the process in the naive hope that it would keep ticking despite its weary facade of carved timber and ornate clock face shielded by glass. Turned wooden struts supported the upper cabinetry whilst a timber panel sat beneath suggesting a notion of balance for the ancient timepiece. Throughout the apartment mirrors appeared to magnify what was already a large space. Balconies. Just beautiful. Our first dinner was at a local brasserie and guess what? Snails were on the menu. Can't believe the excitement as the family taste tested the cuisine. I've used the before rather than the after shots of the taste test as some of the after shots were less than flattering.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fathers' Day

Fathers' Day. A busy day to be sure. I was determined that Stephen would be waited on and his every need satisfied. I weeded, mowed, ironed (eleven of his shirts) and cleaned the house. Then the big event; I was cooking lunch. Something simple. I started with homemade pumpkin soup. Next a butterfly, leg of roast, lamb accompanied by mint and rosemary seasoning. Roast vegetables, mmmm. Dessert too. Nothing too fancy but a popular, family favourite. This year Alysia was overseas with Sam and Kirstie in Queensland so I felt the need to blog the lunch so that the absent family members could share the day in some little way. Christopher and Kate joined us so the day was enjoyed by all.